Navi Mutual Fund Skyscraper Returns | Educase

Every investor is looking for a well-diversified portfolio. However, due to a lack of knowledge, investors can’t do it themselves.
Here, EduFund comes in to solve your problem at no extra cost. How? Let’s find out in this blog
Why Educase?
There are different educases to meet the requirements of every level of investor. Every case is made with proper diversification and the right asset allocation.
For aggressive risk or long-term category of investors, the exposure is more in the equity asset class to provide good returns and for an investor with a short-term view (6 months), the exposure is more in the debt asset class.
So, these cases meet the requirements of every investor.
What is Navi Skyscraper Returns Educase?
Navi Educase is a pack of multiple equity mutual funds investing across market capitalization and sectors, with most of the Index funds.
Navi Skyscraper Returns is an aggressive risk category educase that invests your money in equity funds having high growth potential.
This educase comes up with relatively low volatility and stable returns because this educase invests majorly in Index funds.
Why Navi Skyscraper Returns Educase?
It provides you with a well-diversified portfolio from a wide range of large, mid, and small-cap companies at a very low cost with the benefit of annual rebalancing.
The past data on educases has been back-tested before implementation.
The strategy behind Aggressive Educase
This educase is designed in such a way that it beats inflation and helps you to create wealth over a long-term period. Index funds have been given more weightage to provide consistency in returns and match the market returns.
Who should invest in?
Early parents who have just started saving for their toddlers and have more than 7 years to save. Since the educase only consists of equity funds, the returns may not be seen in a shorter period, but in a longer period, returns will be more than average.
- No extra cost – There is no hidden or extra cost being charged to invest in educase.
- Annual rebalancing – All the Navi educases are rebalanced annually if required.
- Continuous monitoring – Navi educases are tracked and monitored continuously.
- Lowest expense ratio – Navi as an AMC (Asset Management Company) offers the lowest expense ratio in the industry. So this educase has the lowest expense ratio because of the Index fund.
- Experienced Research Team – The EduFund research team has a total experience of more than 35 years collectively.
- Due Diligence – Educases are made after proper research and due diligence is done by the EduFund research team.
How can you invest in Navi Educase?
The process is simple and paperless:
- Download the EduFund app from the Apple Store or Android Play Store.
- Complete the KYC process.
- Calculate your risk appetite.
- Explore the Navi Educase under Educases.
- And place your order.
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